Saturday, May 27, 2006

You Call Those Onion Rings?!?

Last night my "usuals" and I were out at McHooligan's*, having our weekly bitchfest, when DEC decided to order us up some fried everything since the food at McHooligan's is de-lish (except the "hand-cut" fries, but we'll get to that later).

So, out came the fish and chips with a side of onion rings. Yummy you say? Umm...yes, when we got them a couple weeks ago, they were amazing! This week the fish was still the same (yum), and even the "hand-cuts" were better than usual (yum). But let's talk about the onion rings (not so yum).

They were the biggest, fattest, battery-ist (I had to make that word up b/c there is just NO OTHER way to describe these things!) onion rings we have ever seen! This pic isn't even doing them justice b/c they were bigger, fatter and battery-er! Too much onion, too much batter, Too. Much. YUCK!

We decided that they looked more like donuts and will think twice about ordering them again...then moved on to bitchier things.

So I won't dwell on the "hand-cut" fries, but we don't think they are truly hand-cut.

I'd like to give a shout-out to Marky for making the. best. cameo. ever. (twice!) and to our new friend Kev for getting a call-back to a second interview.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent

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