Monday, August 14, 2006

Bringing Sexy Back

I heard on the radio this morning that Diddy is a bit upset with Justin Timberlake for claiming to bring "Sexy Back," b/c Diddy claims that he is "the king of sexy" and already brought sexy back. Oh Diddy. You are one hot piece of ace, but have you seen JT lately?!? And really people, did sexy really ever go anywhere? With all the hotties in this world, I don't think only one person can be the king of sexy and certainly not only one person can bring it back - from wherever the hell it went.

Here are just a few sexy peeps who, I have no doubt, will keep sexy from going anywhere for a v. long time!

Colin (smoking is so gross but so sexy, especially on someone who knows how to do it right):

Becks (sexy, athletic, and his pants are unbuttoned):

Orlando (I don't know why exactly; he looks like a bad boy but he's not. Plus that skin and hair, and accent and the rings... (sigh):

Matthew (there were so many sexy pix to choose from for the sexiest man on earth, I almost didn't know which one to show. Then I found one w/ his legs open. Amen.

1 comment:

Tricky Rick said...

Diddy is 'shiddy (and nasty)! EEEWWW!