Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oh Rats!

One of 'boyfriend's' and my fave neighborhood restaurants might be ruined after last night's rat siting. V. sad. We hadn't been to ZaZa all summer just b/c we've been trying to travel to other areas of Manhattan besides the UES when we go out. Since the summer is coming to an end, we decided to go last night b/f it gets cold since they have a fabulous back garden.

We were at the end of our meal (thank God, we hadn't just started!), when something caught my eye! A rat bigger than my foot (I am a wopping size 9, mind you) runs behind 'boyfriend's' chair and into the corner behind a table. No one was sitting there. No one else saw it but me. 'Boyfriend' wasn't quite sure he believed that it was a rat that I saw until he heard it screeching! Ahhh! We ended up going inside to pay the bill b/c I started freaking out a bit. I don't need any rats running across my feet!

So here's why ZaZa only might be ruined for us - can you really blame the restaurant for having rats if you see one outside? It could have come from anywhere. I think as long as there aren't any in the kitchen, we're ok. Same for little bitchy roaches. Do you agree?

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