I was back in college, although I wasn't in Hartford. I think it was California. And we were in a house, not a dorm. Paris was my roommate, and we were getting ready for a trip to Florida*.
*Yes, I realize Paris would never take a trip to FL, but this is a dream, people.
We were going to leave for the airport separately (b/c she's a slow packer), so my car got there and I left only to realize about a mile away that I hadn't packed my bathing suits! Gasp! So I called Paris to tell her I was coming back to the house to pick them up, and being the nicest person in the world (in my dream, of course), she said she'd get them all out for me so I could just run upstairs and grab a couple and be on my way. Wasn't that so nice of her!?!?
Paris and I are SOOO BFF.

P.S. YES, I also realize that I don't know how to use photoshop. Lay the eff off.
Dude... Miami is in Florida and Paris totally goes there...
Good call! I guess that's where we were going then. Duh! ;)
Sorry to hear you had a bad dream. *snort*
Did your panties fall off too? That seems to happen when Paris becomes ones BFF.
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