Friday, February 16, 2007

Lady in the Fur Coat

Couldn't get a cab outside the bar last night, so uncle ry and I being the most brilliant people on earth (and not drunk at all), decided to walk a few avenues east to see if we'd have better luck (which turned into about 42 avenues). It wasn't cold or windy out at all, so it was really fun (that's sarcasm people).

Somewhere around Madison Ave, we were still trying to hail a cab. There was an older couple all dressed up standing near us, and the lady had on a big ole fur coat. Now I'm not sure if I wanted to touch it or if the gentle bump into her was purely accidental, but the look she gave me was EVIL!

I said I was sorry, bitch!

For some reason, this picture came up when I googled images of "bitch in a fur coat." hahahha


kimmyk said...

who is that guy? is he the guy from poison or somethin? he's cute in an 80ish sort of big hair band kind of way.

kimmyk said...

Hahaha, yeah, gotta love those 80s band boys. I think you're right...the guy from Poison. Maybe...they all look the same. ha!