Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So Immature

My immaturity is always revealed at the worst possible times. I was in a training session the other day, and the trainer guy kept using the word "probe" during his presentation. Of course, I whisper, "he said probe," and start giggling, which leads to a few giggles around me. Later in the training, as I'm starting to get bored, I decide to liven thing up a bit by writing "LOOK" w/ an arrow pointing down on the outside of a napkin, then writing "probe" on the inside and passing it around. How rude and obnoxious am I?!?! The poor guy giving his presentation probably thought we were laughing at him! Awww.


Dennis Christie said...

You are my hero.

And in order to post this comment I had to type "KY" followed by "BJ" in the word verification thing. Heeheehee!

kimmyk said...

Sometimes ya just can't help it.