Monday, May 07, 2007

Drastic Measures

I was getting sick of looking at the Seth Green pic since I haven't had time to blog since then, nor have I been inspired to do so, so I had to take matters into my own hands.

So I cut my thumb this past weekend so that I'd have something to write about. NO, NOT REALLY. But I did cut my thumb and almost need to go to the hospital! It was not my fault! The flagel (flat bagel) was a bit harder than I was expecting, and the knife slipped. Wah.

I didn't end up getting stitches b/c we were up at the new house w/ 'boyfriend's' parents and I didn't want to ruin the weekend (good reason, right?)

Well, A. the hospital was an hour away (bor-ing), and B. his dad is a dr. (a dentist, mind you but med school is med school), so he was able to fix me up w/ just some butterfly band-aids, gauze and some med tape. He did recommend stitches, but since I'm so tough, I said don't worry about it. My hands are all scuffed up and scarred anyway from being such a tomboy/daddy's girl growing up:)

1 comment:

kimmyk said... poor baby!