Friday, September 21, 2007

Central Park Drinking Fountains

I see way too many people drinking out of the water fountains in Central Park. I know when it's hot outside and you've been walking/running/skipping/gallivanting for miles, that a nice piss-warm sip of water is just what you think you need to quench your thirst, but I would REEEEALLY rethink that if I were you.

I've seen homeless people use it as a urinal. I've seen people let their dogs lick it in the scorching summer heat. I've even spied a piece of poo in one before.

And I'm not just talking about people who don't know, like tourists. Runners are sucking on those things like it's their job. You live in NY! You've seen things here that you don't want to see! Like naked men outside of Port Authority swinging their junk around. And people taking dumps on the street (I haven't seen that, but I know someone who did). Why on earth would you think that icky, nasty, yucky things have not happened to, on or otherwise to those fountains!?!?

You can't say I didn't warn you.

Although, if you're a hypochondriac and carry Lysol wipes around with you and want to wipe it down b/f you take a swig, then maybe it's ok. And that's a big MAYBE.

1 comment:

kimmyk said...

gaaa ross.