Scene: 'Boyfriend' and I in his hallway, heading out to see The DaVinci Code, walking to the elevator. Neighbor, who walks her dog in the hallway instead of outside b/c she's crazy, i mean lazy, is in the hallway w/ her cart-full of Costco shiz blocking hallway.
So 'boyfriend' sees a couple bottles of Cascade dishwashing liquid as we're trying to get by the cart (what if there was a freakin' fire!?!) and decides to make a funny comment...something along the lines of, I need some Cascade, why don't I just take one of yours? I know, not v. funny, but I laugh b/c I love him and he's hot.
Next thing you know, neighbor goes off on Cascade people (P&G), and starts telling us that Costco has started selling only one kind of Cascade now, and it's NOT the kind that gets her pots clean! Listen bitch, we don't need to hear about your pots and how dirty they are. That is a v. personal matter! She then proceeds to go back into her apartment telling us to "hold on, I have to show you this!" b/c she feels the need to make sure we know what this earth-shattering dish soap difference is that she's bitching about.
While she's inside 'boyfriend' and I are rolling our eyes at each other laughing quietly, and I point to him and mouth the words "you're fault," b/c duh, we're on our way to a most likely sold out movie and I'm not sitting in the back. But next thing you know, she's holding the 2 different bottles of Cascade up next to each other and showing us the difference. LIKE. WE. CARE. Turns out, she called P&G to bitch and they sent her a ton of coupons. What. ever. bitch.
We made it to DaVinci and it was packed, but we ended up getting decent seats anyway. Stay tuned for my DaVinci follow-up post entitled: "Movie Theatre Bitch"
1 comment:
Who talks to crazy neighbors!? I mean really!!
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