Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The First Step is Admitting I Have a Problem

I'm off the animal crackers and have moved on to hard candy - runts (I have a jar of them at my desk), lollipops (gum or tootsie), hotballs, jolly ranchers, mints, lifesavers...whatever I find lying around. Wait, don't crack addicts use hard candy to help them quit??? Anyhoo...

The animal crackers were causing too many problems!

A. DEC bit his tongue and bled all over his client.
B. A bag of them magically appeared on my desk, and the person who put them there caused me to obsess about a possible secret admirer for days after (turns out it was just Ted. Thx Ted).
C. A fellow kimmyk told me I might need to get some help, possibly even a 12-step program (funny that she wrote about twizzlers today...great minds...great kimmyk minds???).
D. At any time throughout the day I was in the kitchen and saw them looking back at me from the vending machine, I felt the need to buy them then and there b/f they ran out. Even if I'd just had a meal. Even if it was 8:30 in the morning.

You get the gist.

I just thought you should know. I might need your help and support during this troubling time. Thank you all. You are wonderful, amazing friends, and I am very fortunate to have you in my life.

1 comment:

kimmyk said...

OMG...we think alike.

I went to the pharmacy tonight and stocked up on Coffee and Caramel flavored Nips because I ate all my kids green apple jolly ranchers this week.

Indeed, Great KimmyK minds.