Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Half Sneeze

You know when you try to hold in a sneeze, but then change your mind at the last second and it ends up coming out as this snort slash shriek slash body-jolt? Well, I do b/c I did it last night.

'Boyfriend' and I were watching Studio 60 (on DVR, obv), and I had to sneeze but didn't want to disturb him or the show. So I figured I'd try to hold it in. But then, I changed my mind b/c supposedly it kills brain cells if you hold in your sneezes! Gasp! (Turns out that's just a dirty lie...kind of).

So I ended up half sneezing, which came out kind of like a cat screeching, and my body decided to convulse and shake, and I ended up disturbing the show even more than if I had just sneezed for eff's sake! I do not recommend holding in your sneezes and then changing your mind. 'Boyfriend' thought I was having a seizure!

Ok, I guess you had to be there b/c we were laughing uncontrollably.
Good story kim.

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