Monday, March 26, 2007

Bloomies Blunder

Sometimes when I get out of the 6 train at 59th St., the underground entrance to Bloomingdales just sucks me in. This past Saturday, I got sucked in and went straight to the men's section to avoid overspending on myself. There are a few birthdays coming up that I needed to buy gifts for...but really I just like being in there among all the clothes I pretend I can afford (even though it's usually too crowded for me - see #8).

Case in point, I picked out a gorgeous John Varvatos shirt that I thought would be an amazing bday gift! I asked the sales woman if she had a different size in the back, so she went searching...for quite a long time actually...but eventually came out w/ the right size. So I go up to the counter in her section to pay for it (b/c I want the person that helped me to get the commission - I'm nice like that), and she says, "That will be $157." Ummm, excuse me!?!?

Yeah, I thought the price said $45, not $145! I apologized profusely about my mistake (she was v. nice about it), put the shirt back, and walked my cheap ass out of there as fast as humanly possible. To think I was SO excited and proud of myself for having a great eye for upscale, reasonably-priced clothing. Ha!

1 comment:

Tricky Rick said...

I'm glad they had a large. I would've loved that for my bday but since I'm evidently not getting it now I'll have to go buy it myself!