The book is the story of a woman who thought she had the perfect life (house, job, husband, etc.)...until one day she finds herself crying on her bathroom floor, wanting more out of life, out of herself. Begging for an answer, she hears a voice tell her to quit your crying and get up, bitch! OK, I made that up...the voice just says, "Go back to bed, Liz."
She ends up divorcing her husband and in a state of depression decides to travel in an attempt to fill what is missing in her life to, coincidentally, three "I" countries. Italy, where she learns the beautiful Italian language, "EAT"S until she's blue in the face and begins the slow healing process that comes with a bitter divorce. Then on to India to attend an Ashram temple where she learns about herself through "PRAY"er, meditation, chanting, yoga, and finally "meets" her Guru.
And that's as far as I've gotten...but I'm sure she'll do some "LOVE"ing in Indonesia. Hopefully some SEXing too...b/c I like that shit.
I'm not a book reviewer people. Just read it. Preferably before the movie comes out...
i've not heard about this one, but i will definitely put it on the read list.
thanks for the heads up.
Oh my god. I am IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK. I just finished Italy and Im moving on to India now. Elizabeth Gilbert is going to be on Oprah on October 5th talking about the book and her experience...Set your DVR, Kimmy!!!
PS: When are we hanging out????
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